Learning the Azure Kubernetes service

Kubernetes has emerged as the leader in the container orchestration and management platforms. However, this begs a question: Who will manage your Kubernetes Infrastructure? In this course, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) – The Big Picture, you will learn the skills to deploy a managed Kubernetes platform on Microsoft Azure without worrying about the underlying computer and management overhead. First, you will learn the fundamentals of Docker and Kubernetes and see how it applies to a Microservices Architecture. Next, you will discover how to deploy an application to a local Kubernetes Cluster and see how that experience translates to deploying the same application to Azure Kubernetes Service without any change to the deployment experience. Finally, you will see how easy it is to scale your application workloads in AKS, which will help you take your AKS skills to the next level and help you modernize and re-platform your application workloads on Microsoft Azure. By the end of this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of Azure Kubernetes Service that will help you deploy containerized workloads on Azure with minimal management overhead.
Anyway, you could learn this course thorough the course provided by https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/azure-container-service-big-picture

Azure Kubernetes service

Microsoft announced during this week’s Build Conference that its Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), formerly known as “managed Kubernetes on Azure,” will reach general availability status “in the next few weeks.”

The official name change to AKS was noted by Gabe Monroy, program manager lead on containers for Microsoft Azure. He also was the former CTO of Deis, a maker of open source tools for Kubernetes, a company that Microsoft acquired last year. The name change is worth noting because Microsoft has an Azure Container Service (ACS) that also supports Kubernetes. The difference between ACS and AKS is that AKS adds automated support for upgrades and scaling capabilities, plus it has self-healing aspects, aiming to make spinning up containers on Kubernetes easier for developers.

Kubernetes itself is a container orchestration service for clusters that was originally fostered by Google. Microsoft lately has been working to make Kubernetes easier to use when hosted on its Azure datacenter infrastructure. Containers are operating system virtualization solutions, largely fostered by Docker, that aim to make it easier for applications to be hosted without conflicts.

Monroy indicated that AKS is now “part of the Kubernetes Conformance Program,” a certification program run by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation that assures it can be used in different environments. He also described some new features leading up to the coming general availability milestone.