Become a DevOps master

With the growth of new technology and appearing DevOps, SysOps, DevSecOps, and other words, many think that they are just like a simple word! but if you are passionate about DevOps methodology and if you want to become a developer or DevOps, you should be clear and have a good understanding about what they are. So, these roadmaps cover everything that is there to learn for the path listed below.

The aim of this roadmap is to give you an idea about the new landscape and a clear view if you are confused about what to learn next. So, recommend you to go to this link and use the article published there.

Top 10 IT Issues, 2015

I am reading a new article about the most important challenge in IT environments, i suddenly found this article which has covered significant issue in 2015 . Also i have posed to top 10 IT issue in 2015 after this link

Top 10 IT Issues, 2015

  1. Hiring and retaining qualified staff, and updating the knowledge and skills of existing technology staff
  2. Optimizing the use of technology in teaching and learning in collaboration with academic leadership, including understanding the appropriate level of technology to use
  3. Developing IT funding models that sustain core service, support innovation, and facilitate growth
  4. Improving student outcomes through an institutional approach that strategically leverages technology
  5. Demonstrating the business value of information technology and how technology and the IT organization can help the institution achieve its goals
  6. Increasing the IT organization’s capacity for managing change, despite differing community needs, priorities, and abilities
  7. Providing user support in the new normal—mobile, online education, cloud, and BYOD environments
  8. Developing mobile, cloud, and digital security policies that work for most of the institutional community
  9. Developing an enterprise IT architecture that can respond to changing conditions and new opportunities
  10. Balancing agility, openness, and security


Understanding Lingering Objects in Active Directory and How To’s?

Continue reading “Understanding Lingering Objects in Active Directory and How To’s?”

annual voting vBLOG !

The annual voting for the top 50 virtualization blogs for 2014 is now open. Every year Eric Siebert takes a lot of time and puts this together over at vSphere-land.

I have contributed to the voting over the years and now this year for the first time my blog is part of this great list. I encourage each of you to head over here to cast your votes again this year or for your first time. Voting is only open until 03/17/2014 so hurry up. There are some great blogs on this list and I am honoured to be part of them this year. So if you have found any of my contributions to be worthy please take a moment and cast your vote. I spend a lot of time contributing here and hopefully you all find it useful. Happy voting and thanks for visiting my blog. (BTW! I am considered an independent blogger and new for 2013!)


Hyper-V 2012R2 vs. vSphere 5.5

Now that both Microsoft and VMware have officially announced the new released of their virtualization products it’s possible make an homogenous comparison between Hyper-V 2012 R2 (the fourth generation of Hyper-V) and vSphere 5.5.

VMware vSphere 5.5 introduces several news and scalability improvements, on the other side Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 R2 consolidate its features and improve what was already existing in the 2012 version, with a limited (but significant) new features. For example now, finally, some VMware old date features are mainstream also in Hyper-V, like VM hot cloning, hot disk resize (in this case also with the possibility to reduce the size).

Continue reading “Hyper-V 2012R2 vs. vSphere 5.5”

vSphere 5.1 What’s New

VMware announced a new version of VMware vSphere 5.1 at VMworld USA. I created a nice summup of all new features to give you nive clean overview

if you are going to upgrade vsphere 5.1 please read this links and notic changes them


vSphere 5.1 What’s New

Compare Hyperv 3.0 & Vsphere 5.0

1) Scalablity

To start the comparison, we would choose scalability and  config maximums as these are the important aspects to look for while choosing the platform for your cloud.

Microsoft Windows 2012 RC’s Hyper-V 3.0 seems to be promising on scalability than VMware vSphere 5.0. The maximum supported clustered nodes increased to 64 with increase in support of running VM’s i.e 4000 VM’s, more logical processors per host and more Physical RAM per host as compared to VMware. Continue reading “Compare Hyperv 3.0 & Vsphere 5.0”

10 most powerful cloud companies

Virtually every vendor has a cloud story to tell. But here are 10 companies that have distinguished themselves as the leaders in cloud computing, either by being first to market, by offering the broadest and deepest set of cloud services or by taking a leadership role in the cloud revolution. Other articles in this issue of Enterprise Cloud Services:

1. Amazon: The IaaS gold standard

The online retailer came out of nowhere in 2006 to offer up idle compute cycles as a service. Since then, it seems like there’s no market Amazon is unwilling to enter and no competitor it’s unwilling to take on. There’s the market setting Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). If you’re a third-party provider of cloud services, that’s the platform you need to be compatible with. Over time, Amazon has added multiple cloud storage offerings and is moving into the PaaS market. The company is also selling tablets (Kindle Fire) and challenging Apple and Google in the cloud-based music arena. Continue reading “10 most powerful cloud companies”

Active Directory Topology Diagrammer

I need to design a plan for Active directory . in this way visio and Edarw are two software that help me .today i find a new software that automatically generate a diagram like as Visio !

The Microsoft Active Directory Topology Diagrammer reads an Active Directory configuration using LDAP, and then automatically generates a Visio diagram of your Active Directory and /or your Exchange Server topology.

The diagramms may include domains, sites, servers, organizational units, DFS-R, administrative groups, routing groups and connectors and can be changed manually in Visio if needed.


Continue reading “Active Directory Topology Diagrammer”

Top 10 Technology Trends for 2013

What will drive the technology trends for 2013? Analyst firm, Gartner shares their prediction:

Mobile Device Battles
By 2013, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide and that by 2015 over 80 percent of the handsets sold in mature markets will be smartphones. However, only 20 percent of those handsets are likely to be Windows phones. By 2015 media tablet shipments will reach around 50 percent of laptop shipments and Windows 8 will likely be in third place behind Google’s Android and Apple iOS operating systems.

Windows 8 is Microsoft’s big bet and Windows 8 platform styles should be evaluated to get a better idea of how they might perform in real-world environments as well as how users will respond. Consumerization will mean enterprises won’t be able to force users to give up their iPads or prevent the use of Windows 8 to the extent consumers adopt consumer targeted Windows 8 devices.  Continue reading “Top 10 Technology Trends for 2013”

10 Amazing Uses of Cloud Computing!

Cloud computing is one of the most promising technologies in the modern day world. Several companies have already popped in the cloud market and achieved desired goals they planned for their business’s expansion. To add more to cloud’s importance in the growing IT industry let us check on some of its uses and benefits that it offers to its users. Continue reading “10 Amazing Uses of Cloud Computing!”