10 Things to Know About Server Virtualization

This is a guest post from David Malmborg who is working with Dell. Here are the 10 things to know about server virtualization and why your company should think about it. Recently I have shared my personal working experience on advantages of server virtualization.  The below points are similar to earlier article but with different view and explanation.  [source article]

1. Server Virtualization Closes the Gap Seen in Traditional Server Model

Traditional server model uses one piece of hardware for each server. So it will require 75 physical servers to create 75 database, application, and web servers. With server virtualization, it will only require one server and a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device to create 75 or more servers. The power of virtualization technology is enormous and theoretically it can create an endless number of virtual servers. Virtual server technology continues to improve in both functionality and scalability.   Continue reading “10 Things to Know About Server Virtualization”

7 Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has changed the rules of the game between the companies expanding their services using cloud computing.”

 In recent years cloud computing services has growing continuously. Google has been one of the strongest company have providing a large range of cloud services, spearheaded Gmail, and a long list of solutions around covering virtually all areas (Maps, Reader, News, storage etc.).

Microsoft , the other large consumer market, has also invested heavily in the full range of services and providing cloud computing services. Using Windows Azure, you can rapidly configure, organize and can manage applications very easily, you can run your sites, virtual machines, mobile services and other cloud services using Windows Azure.    Continue reading “7 Advantages of Cloud Computing”