10 Amazing Uses of Cloud Computing!

Cloud computing is one of the most promising technologies in the modern day world. Several companies have already popped in the cloud market and achieved desired goals they planned for their business’s expansion. To add more to cloud’s importance in the growing IT industry let us check on some of its uses and benefits that it offers to its users.

Use No. 1

Cloud Follows Pay for What you Use Model

This particular characteristic of cloud focus on the fact that cloud computing and managed cloud services are truly cost-effective. This means users will have to pay only for the amount of service used by them. This way, money spent on improving business through cloud doesn’t prove to be expensive. SMBs are benefited the most with such a type of facility that cloud offers.


Use No.2

24*7 Availability and Performance Oriented Infrastructure

Uses of Cloud

When we talk about cloud, one thing that concerns us is whether such a technology can cater to the client’s needs or whether it can create a highly scalable environment. If such questions boggle your mind, don’t worry as managed cloud services will do it for you. Things like cloud monitoring, cloud migration of data from one server to the cloud server etc among others are two of the activities that are catered by managed cloud service providers.


Use No.3

Cloud Technology believes in Optimization of Existing Resources

Suppose your company is facing hard time in managing hardware and software stuff. Servers are running extremely low and there is not enough space left for any new data to be stored. To overcome such a situation, cloud services are introduced so that existing servers get rest from the over loaded traffic and work environment of the company becomes more synchronized.

By doing so, not only the resources get optimized but with the help of managed cloud services businesses are able to focus on other business related activities as well.


Use No.4

Disaster Recovery Plan Help to Restore Data Quickly on Cloud

For every cloud to be a successful one, pre-configured disaster recovery plan is must. Cloud disaster recovery plan works automatically at the time a server or data crashes and help in restoring at the earliest. Incorporating such applications makes cloud an efficient platform for managing IaaS, PaaS and SaaS competitively.


Use No.5

Agile Development on Cloud

Agility in business operations comes with effective and efficient tools that help in constructing a strong and construing business or work environment. This is due to the fact that cloud technology is built on norms like understanding service-level agreements or SLAs, developing various strategies to understand the business as a whole and then improvising as well as analyzing the steps necessary for keep the businesses running smoothly.

Use No.6

Organizations Experience Device Independence

When we say that by putting everything on cloud can reduce your worry of keeping a track of hardware and software devices, we probably want to make your existing physical world into a virtual one. With managed cloud services you don’t have to bother about what’s going on in your in-house IT premises.

Let your cloud manager do the burdensome work and help you get rid of all the expensive hardware and software that cost you almost an arm or a leg.


Use No.7

Cloud, Cost-Effective in Nature

If you haven’t opted for cloud technology till date, don’t lag behind and pop into the cloud market to enjoy a cost-effective business environment. As mentioned above that cloud promotes device independence, the cost of hardware and software automatically cuts short. Although, the initial expense of deploying cloud architecture is there, but that also focuses on pay for what you use model.


Use No.8

Cloud Architecture is Exceptionally Flexible

The entire concept of cloud computing is divided into three forms of cloud. These include Public cloud, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud. All three have significant characteristics; however their choice depends on the personal requirements of businesses.

  • Public Cloud

In this type of cloud form, data stored is in cloud server, which is located at a distant place elsewhere. It enables users to share and access data from anywhere and at any point of time. This means public cloud promotes shared environment. Although, a bit risky in terms of data security as business operations are done through Internet, but offers highly scalable environment.

  • Private Cloud

A private cloud is beneficial for those organizations that do not want to share their confidential data with any third party. Data stored in a private cloud is secured in the firewall settings, which enable only the authorized parties to access data and do not invite any third party.

As a matter of fact this type of cloud is secured than the public one because whatever data is stored on cloud is stored in in-house IT premise of an organization.

  • Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is a mix of both and gives users or business entities the advantage of both the cloud environments. Suppose, a business enterprise wants to share its services and products with its clients across the globe, but at the same time wants to hide the confidential information from them, Hybrid cloud architecture would suit best for such types of businesses.


Use No.9

SRC (Security, Risk Management and Compliance Management)

Aforementioned factors are taken into consideration as the utmost priority in cloud computing and it associated managed cloud services. Even though, cloud security concerns have raised many questions on its reliability, the technology is functioning at its rapids pace. All such factors give rise to a compliant business environment.


Use No.10

Downtime and Load Balancing Problems Diminish to a Large Extent

With the help of cloud managed services downtime problems can be transformed into approximately 99.99% uptime. Moreover, load balancing is also taken care as the servers are more capable of storing unlimited data from the existing as well as establishing clients, while re-balancing and scaling your servers in real time.




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